Our mission is to be followers of Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit, making a difference for the glory of God and we firmly believe that the women of Peters Road Baptist Church have embodied this mission. Regardless of your age or marital status, our women's ministry is dedicated to pouring into the women of our community and enriching them with the word of God.

fearfully and wonderfully

Our women's ministry is led by Sara Montano, a long-time member of our congregation. Our society has often limited women's participation and ability in the local church. However, we believe that a Proverbs 31 woman is, as the text calls her, strong, bold, and hardworking. Regardless of her age, With Love is dedicated to empowering women through the Holy Spirit to make a difference for the glory of God.

Join us

We can't wait for you to be part of our community! If you have questions about our church, please contact us.